Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Interlude.

You know how you buy a CD and there is always that one track that is not more than a minute or so long and someone thought it would be neat if they called it an interlude? I think I just realized why they are important.

I often think of my life in terms of a song or movie. Sometimes, I try even try to write that song or play out the movie in my mind. Usually, there is always something that keeps me from reaching such an end and I am left defeated. Those interludes never seem complete, but I often find myself wishing they lasted longer; that the music of those tracks were an entire album.

I think my life is at an interlude. A time where I don't necessarily understand why things are the way they are, but there is still something good. A time when I don't have answers and I am left wanting, but a time which is also complete. If it were the entire album, perhaps quantity would detract from quality. I guess that is why I should be thankful for the minute or so I have and move on.

1 comment:

The Reverend said...

Damnit. Why am I the only one that ever comments on this damn thing? I like the interlude as well.. probably because I listen to the rest of life so loud I'm almost deaf.