Thursday, May 6, 2010


What is this mid-twenties thing all about? Just a couple years after graduation, I thought I'd have some things figured out. But maybe that's the point. We think we should, but when we don't it seems a fair amount of disappointment creeps in. Life isn't what we thought it was twenty-four hours ago. The world is going so fast, and everything in our lives is constantly changing. We have been the victims of a vicious sleight of hand. Except, we are the ones who bought into it. We were sold one thing, and took home something else, knowing the whole time but without the willingness to admit it to ourselves.

That's the part that bothers me about having a vision for something. Whether its the vision of some entrepreneur for a hot new company or an 18 year old's vision for their future. We are sold one thing, only to discover that thing is a little more hypothetical than we expected. The company isn't as great as it could be. College... well, it just wasn't what you thought it would be. That dream job, the burgeoning success that you think you're on the verge of, the house, the wife, the two and a half kids, they're all just

out of reach.

Just like that. Plain, courier font because I don't know how to change it. It didn't turn out how I expected. Which makes sense because this is only 24 no matter how much the ol' bait and switch might suck. Really, it doesn't suck, we just don't understand it. Or, I don't understand it. Maybe this is what its about though. Not understanding. Just living and breathing and trying to figure it out. The struggle and tension constantly shaping us, making us stronger, perhaps even preparing us for something. Maybe I'll look back and everything will make sense. Maybe none of it will. I guess that's why it is important to live the adventure.