Monday, August 10, 2009

Always caught and never dropped.

When you're in it, you know you're in it. The feeling that overcomes you, the smells that fill your nostrils, and everything else you touch and see and feel are just... different. The world, at least for brief moments finds itself at peace and everything is moving in a glorious harmony. The pain is still real, heartache still happens, but everything is as it should be. When you're in it, you know you're in it. Anne Lamot says this is like a child being tossed into the air by a parent, feeling the exhilaration of being free, but knowing that you will always be caught. It never crosses the mind of a child that its father may drop them, because in their world such a thing is impossible. When you're in it, you feel the same surefire confidence. Right now, I feel as if I cannot fail. I know I might mess up and it may seem as though I have failed at times, but because I'm in it, failures become like stepping stones for future success. I don't know if there has ever been a time in my life where I have felt more at peace or had greater confidence for the future. I'm doing a job where I get to interact with both people and food, the two great loves of my life (other than the requisites of God, family, friends, etc... you know).

This is me:
  • I have a degree in psychology. Yes I'm analyzing you.
  • For the last year and a half, I have worked for an electrical construction company. I didn't love it, but the money was good and I worked with some great people.
  • I have always loved to eat, but only within the last two years did I realize that this was more than just a love, but a passion and an obsession.
  • Now, I work with some fantastic people at a restaurant with delicious food. Its ridiculous at times, but it's so great.
  • I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future, and that is just about the best thing I can ask for. (Cheesy, I know, but it's true.)

1 comment:

Double Take said...

What you're calling "in it" John Steinbeck calls The Glory - everything is different and nothing can go wrong. Let's hang out soon!