Sunday, July 1, 2007


I went for a walk along the beach yesterday morning. The weather could not have been nicer for the Oregon coast and the peaceful solitude was quite refreshing. I love the sound of the ocean and the way you just keep walking if you are not careful. Anyway, I was walking along the edge of the ocean, taking in the sounds and enjoying the beauty I was surrounded by. Minutes slipped past without a hint of my knowing. I was literally surrounded by beauty and taken aback by it. Then, as I continued along the shore, I noticed a small stone. Seeing as it was nearly a perfect circle, I picked it up. I liked the cold feeling in my hands and the way the sand slowly came off as the water dried off of its smooth surface. As I walked a little farther, I noticed another stone, and then another. I decided to head back toward my starting point only this time noticing many more stones along the way. I kept picking up these stones, varying in size, shape and color. I didn't really want them, but I refused to let go at the same time. Deciding that I must throw at least some of them back, I looked over each and weighed its unique characteristics against the others. Again, I needed none of them, but they became the sole objects of my attention. My walk continued and I neared the end of it, but the way back saw only the stones and none of the beauty I had seen before. Finally realizing this, I began throwing the stones back, one by one, until only one remained. For whatever reason, I could not let it go.

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