Monday, August 1, 2011

Droid does(n't).

Technology is strange. Billions of dollars are spent on marketing for the latest technology that will make our lives easier or better because it does this or that better than the competition. For a few hundred dollars, we can purchase the freedom to do any of a countless number of tasks (probably simultaneously) whenever or wherever we choose.

We purchase our freedom and for a while it seems that everything is better. We are able to find things we didn't know we were looking for (or could look for) and our lives outside of social media even improve because of the ease that technology has facilitated relational growth with our colleagues, friends and family. Perhaps it has even allowed for new relationships to develop because there is now a connection where there previously was nothing.

All that is great... until its taken away.

I was very slow to jump on the smart phone bandwagon. But when I did, I loved it. It changed everything. I was able to go more, see more, and eat more than I ever had before. It was as good or better than having a new best friend in my new city because it knew all the best places to go for this and that, and I was able to discover who I was. It turns out that Droid, in fact, does... or at least it did until mine didn't for the second time. This isn't about that though. What I found most interesting is that I didn't know what to do when I realized that I wasn't going to have a phone for 24hrs or so. I mean, I knew what to do. I emailed everyone who I knew would try to call or text me today and posted on Facebook for everyone else. But, what to do... Words With Friends was now impossible, I couldn't text anyone, and I didn't have lunch plans yet so how would I even find anything to eat?!

Then I recalled a time before my droid where I would look something up the old-school way... on the internet with my computer, look up a map and go from there. Turns out that it still works. Not having a phone turns out to be better than I could have imagined. I was forced to observe more of the world around me than I had in a long time. It was amazing.

Oh, and by the way, my already delicious lunch was more delicious because I couldn't tell anyone how delicious my pork belly was while it was getting cold. Next time you go out, leave your phone at home and put delicious in your mouth while its still hot.

[No photo because my phone was BROKEN.]

Santa Ramen
1944 S El Camino Real
San Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 344-5918

1 comment:

Feral Lion said...

Great post again =^^=